Directory Last Updated: 26 July 2024
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Consultants in South East within Thyroid
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
combination thyroid therapy
*Towns*Diabetes, thyroid disease, combination thyroid therapy, parathyroid and general endocrine disease
day case thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Breast surgery, endocrine surgery, thyroid surgery, minimal access surgery, parathyroid surgery, laparoscopic hernia repair, day case thyroid and parathyroid surgery
endocrine and thyroid surgery
*Towns*Upper gastrointestinal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, endocrine and thyroid surgery, pancreatic and biliary surgery, hernia surgery, quality improvement, emergency laparotomy, clinical outcome reporting
parathyroid and thyroid surgery
*Towns*Endocrine surgery, parathyroid and thyroid surgery, hernia
parotid and thyroid surgery
*Towns*Rhinology, voice disorders, head and neck surgery, paediatric ENT, neck swelling, parotid and thyroid surgery, head and neck cancer
*Towns*General internal medicine, cardiometabolic health, nutritional deficiencies and wellbeing, DVT - deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, hypertension, transthoracic echocardiography, diabetes, thyroid, obesity and other hormonal disorders, atrial fibrillation
*Towns*Diabetes, adrenal disorders, thyroid, obesity
*Towns*Sinus surgery, sleep disorders, reconstructive surgery, laryngology, head and neck surgery, oncology, thyroid
*Towns*Head and neck surgery, thyroid, parathyroid, voice
*Towns*Diabetes - all types, new diabetes treatments - GLP-1 analogues, SGLT-2 inhibitors, endocrinology, thyroid, calcium, adrenal, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, male sexual health, radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism, obesity and weight management
*Towns*Diabetes, general internal medicine, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pituitary disorders
*Towns*Breast screening and assessment, diagnosis of breast disease, abdominal ultrasound - testis, thyroid, vascular, deep vein thrombosis - DVT, CT scanning - head, neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis, breast imaging and intervention, mammogram - breast and axillary ultrasound, breast MRI, ultrasound or stereotactic guided fine needle aspiration core biopsy and wire localisation
*Towns*Diabetes, endocrinology, thyroid, ovary problems, pituitary disease, diabetic foot disease, parathyroid disease, adrenal disease
*Towns*Chest radiology, breast radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, thyroid
*Towns*Endocrinology, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, obesity, diabetes
Thyroid and parathyroid
*Towns*Thyroid and parathyroid
thyroid and parathyroid
*Towns*Surgery in general, endocrine surgery, thyroid and parathyroid, breast surgery, surgical oncology - cancer in general, clinical informatics
thyroid and parathyroid disease
*Towns*Endocrinology and diabetes, thyroid and parathyroid disease, insulin pumps, obesity related diabetes
thyroid and parathyroid disease
*Towns*Endocrinology, complications of diabetes, obesity, thyroid and parathyroid disease, pituitary disease, vascular medicine, hypertension, general medicine
thyroid and parathyroid disorders
*Towns*Neuroendocrinology, adrenal pathologies, thyroid and parathyroid disorders, male and female sex hormone defects, diabetes, general internal medicine, electrolyte imbalance
thyroid and parathyroid disorders
*Towns*Diabetes in young people, insulin pump therapy, complex type 2 diabetes, diabetic foot, thyroid and parathyroid disorders
thyroid and parathyroid problems
*Towns*Diabetes and endocrinology, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, pituitary diseases, adrenal pathology, bone metabolism, thyroid and parathyroid problems, diabetic foot disease, diabetes in pregnancy, general medicine
thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Head and neck surgical oncology and facial reconstruction, thyroid and parathyroid surgery, dental implants
thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Head and neck cancer, thyroid and parathyroid surgery, salivary gland disorders
thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Colorectal surgery, thyroid and parathyroid surgery
thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Vascular surgery, endovenous treatment for varicose veins, open and endovascular management of vascular disease, thyroid and parathyroid surgery, laparoscopic surgery
thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Breast surgery and reconstruction, thyroid and parathyroid surgery, skin cancer surgery, endocrine surgery
Thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Thyroid and parathyroid surgery, skin lesions face & neck, balloon sinuplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery
thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Head and neck oncology, glue ear, thyroid and parathyroid surgery
thyroid and parathyroid surgery
*Towns*Breast surgery, sentinel node biopsy, breast disease, breast cancer, immediate and delayed breast reconstruction, endocrine surgery, thyroid and parathyroid surgery, hernia, colorectal cancer, adrenal surgery
thyroid cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, skin cancer, urological cancer, central nervous system cancers, thyroid cancer, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
thyroid cancer
*Towns*Diabetes, endocrinology, diabetic foot, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer
thyroid cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, breast cancer, thyroid cancer
thyroid cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, head and neck oncology, thyroid cancer
thyroid cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer
thyroid cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, radiotherapy, skin cancer including melanoma, head and neck cancer, thyroid cancer, radioactive iodine for thyrotoxicosis
thyroid cancer
*Towns*Clinical oncology, head and neck cancer, lymphoma radiotherapy, non-melanomatous skin cancers, thyroid cancer
Thyroid disease
*Towns*Thyroid disease, neuroendocrine tumours, PET and PET/CT, nuclear cardiology, nuclear neurology, radioimmunotherapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
thyroid disease
*Towns*Endocrinology and diabetes, diabetic control, complications of diabetes, thyroid disease, fatigue
thyroid disease
*Towns*Diabetes and endocrinology, thyroid disease, lipid disorders, polycystic ovaries
thyroid disease
*Towns*Diabetes, thyroid disease, combination thyroid therapy, parathyroid and general endocrine disease
thyroid disease
*Towns*Pituitary disease, paediatric diabetes, adolescent diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, thyroid disease, chronic fatigue syndrome
thyroid disease
*Towns*Diabetes, thyroid nodules, thyroid disease, radioactive iodine, pituitary endocrinology, general endocrinology, reproductive endocrinology, osteoporosis, thyroid ultrasound and biopsy, general internal medicine
thyroid disease
*Towns*Endocrinology, thyroid disease, pituitary disease, peptide hormone action, growth hormone
thyroid disease
*Towns*Endocrinology, rheumatology, thyroid disease, osteoporosis, back pain, metabolic bone disease, fatigue, neuroendocrine diseases, hypertension, calcium disorders
thyroid disease
*Towns*Diabetes, thyroid disease, pituitary disorders, adrenal problems
thyroid disease
*Towns*Endocrinology, thyroid disease, thyroid nodules, diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, polycystic ovarian syndrome
thyroid disease
*Towns*Pituitary disorders, acromegaly, osteoporosis, Addison's disease, obesity, thyroid disease, hormone deficiencies, calcium disorders, hormone replacement therapy - HRT
thyroid disorders
*Towns*Diabetes care, pituitary, adrenal, parathyroid, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS, bariatric medicine, andrology, hypogonadism, hormone replacement in transgender patients
thyroid disorders
*Towns*Pituitary endocrinology, parathyroid disorders, thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders
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