Directory Last Updated: 26 July 2024
43,204 GPs
18,060 Male / 25,145 Female
1,169 Dispensing Surgeries

GPs by Region

  • England: 35,770
  • Scotland: 4,256
  • Wales: 1,883
  • Northern Ireland: 1,299

Breakdown in England

  • North and Yorkshire: 4,176
  • North West: 4,634
  • West Midlands: 3,696
  • Trent: 3,450
  • Eastern: 3,207
  • South West: 4,039
  • South East: 6,329
  • London: 6,222

GP Statistics

  • GP with a Special Interest or GPwSI: 20,495
  • Medico-Legal GPs: 1,783
  • Clinical Trials GPs: 591

GP Surgeries by Region

  • England: 6,590
  • Scotland: 907
  • Wales: 378
  • Northern Ireland: 318

Breakdown in England

  • North and Yorkshire: 760
  • North West: 978
  • Trent: 658
  • Eastern: 572
  • South West: 562
  • South East: 995
  • London: 1,297

NHS and Private

  • NHS GPs: 41,870
  • Private GPs: 1,476
  • NHS Surgeries: 7,890
  • Private Surgeries: 303

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