Directory Last Updated: 26 July 2024
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
acute pain management
*Towns*Maxillofacial surgery anaesthesia, ENT surgery anaesthesia, pain management, medical education, urology surgery anaesthesia, general surgery anaesthesia, anaesthesia in the elderly, acute pain management
Acute pain management
*Towns*Acute pain management, intensive care, enhance recovery
airway management
*Towns*Obstetric anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthesia, orthopaedic anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia, airway management
Airway management
*Towns*Airway management, regional blocks
cardiac disease management
*Towns*Cardiac imaging, nuclear cardiology, cardiac disease management, preoperative cardiac assessment for non-cardiac surgery, echocardiography, transoesophageal
cardiovascular risk management
*Towns*Endocrinology including thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pituitary and gonadal disease, diabetes and complications, lipids, obesity, general medicine, endocrine and diabetes disorders in pregnancy, weight loss, cardiovascular risk management
chronic pain management
*Towns*Intensive care, chronic pain management
chronic pain management
*Towns*Pain medicine, chronic pain management
Chronic pain management
*Towns*Chronic pain management, local blocks, acupuncture
Chronic pain management
*Towns*Chronic pain management, interventional management of cancer pain
clinical risk management
*Towns*Labour ward management, pelvic surgery, feto-maternal medicine, minimal access surgery, vaginal surgery, high risk obstetrics, benign gynaecology, clinical risk management
Diagnosis and management of ADHD
*Towns*Diagnosis and management of ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders, diagnosis and management of children with anxiety, depressive and psychotic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD, assessment of children suffering from bereavement, loss and post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD
diagnosis and management of children with anxiety
*Towns*Diagnosis and management of ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders, diagnosis and management of children with anxiety, depressive and psychotic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD, assessment of children suffering from bereavement, loss and post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD
dietary management of diabetes and obesity
*Towns*Diabetic nephropathy, new drugs in type 2 diabetes, Type 1 diabetes mellitis immunotherapy, dietary management of diabetes and obesity
emergency airway management
*Towns*Trauma anaesthesia, massive blood transfusion, emergency airway management, critical care, pre-hospital trauma care, medical education
facial palsy management
*Towns*Middle ear surgery, rhinoplasty, cosmetic surgery, snoring surgery, surgery for deafness, allergic rhinitis, facial palsy management, thyroid and parathyroid surgery, sinus surgery, otology, sinus disease, vertigo
head and neck cancer restorative management
*Towns*Fixed and removable prosthodontics, implantology, head and neck cancer restorative management
interventional management of cancer pain
*Towns*Chronic pain management, interventional management of cancer pain
Labour ward management
*Towns*Labour ward management, pelvic surgery, feto-maternal medicine, minimal access surgery, vaginal surgery, high risk obstetrics, benign gynaecology, clinical risk management
management of abdominal pains
*Towns*Pancreaticobiliary surgery, gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery, emergency surgery, hepatopancreatobiliary surgery, advanced laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery of pancreas, gallbladder and bile duct, management of abdominal pains, open and laparoscopic pancreatic, liver and hernia surgery, groin hernias, inguinal hernias, umbilical hernias, gallstones, bile duct stones, pancreas tumours, pancreatic cysts, lipoma excision
Management of acute angioedema
*Towns*Management of acute angioedema
management of children with neurodisability
*Towns*Paediatric ENT, airway disease in children, paediatric head and neck disease, paediatric salivary gland disease, management of children with neurodisability
management of complex hip trauma
*Towns*Hip and knee joint reconstructive surgery, hip resurfacing, management of complex hip trauma
management of complex inflammatory bowel disease - IBD
*Towns*Colorectal oncology, laparoscopic surgery, colonoscopy, hernia repair, lumps and bumps, haemorrhoid surgery, fissures, management of complex inflammatory bowel disease - IBD
management of complex pelvic and retroperitoneal tumours
*Towns*Urological oncology, management of complex pelvic and retroperitoneal tumours, sarcoma
management of complex pelvic fractures
*Towns*Arthroplasty of hip and knee, management of complex pelvic fractures, arthroscopic knee surgery, ligament reconstruction, pelvic osteotomy
management of facial deformity
*Towns*Facial soft tissue surgery, salivary gland surgery, management of facial deformity, paediatric craniofacial surgery, cleft lip and palate surgery
management of facial skin and lip disorders
*Towns*Oral surgery, facial trauma, orthognathic surgery, management of facial skin and lip disorders, salivary disease
management of Meniere's disease
*Towns*Otology, rhinology, management of Meniere's disease, ENT allergy, thyroid disease, parathyroid surgery
management of neuroendocrine tumours of the gut
*Towns*Hepatobiliary surgery, surgical oncology, management of neuroendocrine tumours of the gut, general surgery
Management of neuropathic refractory angina
*Towns*Management of neuropathic refractory angina, back pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome, whiplash, mirror box therapy, management of scar pain, neuropathic pain
management of scar pain
*Towns*Management of neuropathic refractory angina, back pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome, whiplash, mirror box therapy, management of scar pain, neuropathic pain
Management of severe skin disorders
*Towns*Management of severe skin disorders, inpatient dermatology
management of spinal trauma
*Towns*Spinal tumour surgery, management of spinal trauma, cervical spine
management of uterine fibroids
*Towns*Diabetes in pregnancy, minimal access surgery and therapeutic hysteroscopy, management of uterine fibroids, outpatient treatment of heavy periods and abnormal bleeding
opioid management
*Towns*Neuropathic pain, clinical pharmacology of pain, botox for peripheral neuropathic pain, high dose capsaicin patches, spinal cord and peripheral nerve stimulation for peripheral neuropathic pain, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, opioid management, fibromyalgia
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, chronic pain conditions, back pain, whiplash
pain management
*Towns*Regional anaesthesia, pain management, anaesthetic practice in third world countries
pain management
*Towns*Critical care, pain management, respiratory failure
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, lower back pain, sciatica, neuropathic pain, neuroanaesthesia, spinal endoscopy, chronic groin pain
pain management
*Towns*Intubation, pain management, medical education
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, ENT anaesthesia, orthopaedic anaesthesia
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, back pain, refractory angina, rehabilitation
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
pain management
*Towns*Applied relaxation, CBT, Behavioural Activation (BA), Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), pain management, mental resilience & performance training
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, chronic pain, back pain, neck pain
pain management
*Towns*Paediatric anaesthesia, pain management
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management
Pain management
*Towns*Pain management, spinal pain and complex regional pain syndrome - CRPS, cancer pain and trigeminal neuralgia, chronic pain and whiplash injuries, RTA - road traffic accident related chronic pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome
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