Directory Last Updated: 11 February 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Consultants in Eastern within Lumbar
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
degenerative cervical and lumbar disc prolapse
*Towns*Spinal surgery, hip surgery, knee surgery, degenerative cervical and lumbar disc prolapse, minimally invasive day case lumbar disc excision
degenerative conditions of neck and lumbar spine
*Towns*Spinal surgery, degenerative conditions of neck and lumbar spine, scoliosis, trauma, infection
degenerative conditions of the cervical and lumbar spine
*Towns*Spinal surgery, lumbar spine disorders, degenerative conditions of the cervical and lumbar spine, vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, spinal fusions
lumbar and cervical microdiscectomy
*Towns*Complex spinal neurosurgery, lumbar and cervical microdiscectomy, syringomyelia, rheumatoid cervical spine disease, spinal tumours, spinal trauma, minimally invasive spine surgery
lumbar puncture procedures
*Towns*Paediatric cardiology, neonatology, lumbar puncture procedures, specialist registrar training in paediatrics
lumbar spinal fusion
*Towns*Minimally invasive spinal surgery, balloon kyphoplasty, lumbar spinal fusion
lumbar spine disorders
*Towns*Spinal surgery, lumbar spine disorders, cervical spinal disorders, spinal surgery in the elderly
lumbar spine disorders
*Towns*Spinal surgery, lumbar spine disorders, degenerative conditions of the cervical and lumbar spine, vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, spinal fusions
minimally invasive day case lumbar disc excision
*Towns*Spinal surgery, hip surgery, knee surgery, degenerative cervical and lumbar disc prolapse, minimally invasive day case lumbar disc excision
minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of lumbar spine disorders
*Towns*Spinal surgery, deformities, degenerative conditions, osteoporotic fractures, motion sparing technology, minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of lumbar spine disorders

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