Directory Last Updated: 17 February 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected: DISEASE in town: LUTON
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
congenital heart disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Heart failure, valve disease, echocardiography, coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, coronary atherosclerosis and calcification
coronary heart disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Heart failure, valve disease, echocardiography, coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, coronary atherosclerosis and calcification
diabetic eye disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Cataract surgery, diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration, glaucoma
diabetic foot disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Endocrinology, diabetic foot disease, obesity
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, small bowel pathology, general internal medicine, general gastroenterology, upper gastrointestinal dysfunction
interstitial lung disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, asthma, allergy, sleep disorders, TB - tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, COPD
Parkinson's disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Movement disorders, dizziness, headache, Parkinson's disease
Peyronie's disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Kidney stones, erectile dysfunction, Peyronie's disease, urological cancer, female urinary incontinence
pleural disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Lung cancer, TB - tuberculosis, pleural disease, cough, COPD
retinal disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Vitreoretinal surgery, retinal disease, cataract surgery, macular surgery, Stickler syndrome
Stone disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Stone disease, laser prostate surgery, urodynamics, sexual dysfunction, bladder cancer, andrology
stone disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Bladder cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia - BPH, stone disease, erectile dysfunction, voiding dysfunction
thyroid disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Head and neck cancer, thyroid disease
valve disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Heart failure, valve disease, echocardiography, coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, coronary atherosclerosis and calcification
vulval skin disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Acne, vulval skin disease

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