Directory Last Updated: 06 March 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected: INFLAMMATORY in town: LEEDS
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
anaesthesia for cancer and inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neurosurgical anaesthesia, awake craniotomy, colorectal surgery anaesthesia, anaesthesia for cancer and inflammatory bowel disease
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Colorectal surgery including laparoscopic surgery, anorectal disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, colonoscopy, groin hernia surgery including laparoscopic surgery, bowel cancer, radiation enteritis, large incisional hernia repair/abdominal wall reconstruction
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Iron deficient anaemia, upper gastrointestinal cancer, ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, colonoscopy, Crohn's disease
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, therapeutic endoscopy, colonoscopy
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Small bowel disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, endoscopy
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Endoscopy, gastro-oesophageal reflux, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Colon surgery, rectal surgery, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic floor disorders, laparoscopy, endoscopy, colonoscopy
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Dyspepsia, small and large bowel disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal cancer, ulcerative colitis, diarrhoeal disorders
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Colorectal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, colonoscopy, coloproctology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, hernia surgery
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Gastroenterology, endoscopy, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Management of diarrhoea, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, colonoscopy, liver diseases, Barrett's oesophagus, reflux disease
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, endoscopy
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Interventional endoscopy, hepatology, bowel cancer screening, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
inflammatory arthritis*Consultant(s)**Towns*Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica - PMR
inflammatory dermatoses*Consultant(s)**Towns*Vulval disorders, paediatric dermatology, minor surgery, inflammatory dermatoses
inflammatory joint disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Osteoporosis, inflammatory joint disease
inflammatory lung diseases*Consultant(s)**Towns*Interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, inflammatory lung diseases
inflammatory muscle disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Immunology, rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, gout, inflammatory muscle disease
inflammatory skin conditions*Consultant(s)**Towns*Skin allergy, inflammatory skin conditions
osteoarthritis and other inflammatory arthropathies including ankle replacement and first metatarsophalangeal joint resurfacing*Consultant(s)**Towns*Musculotendinous disorders of the foot and ankle, management of simple and complex deformities of the forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot and ankle, osteoarthritis and other inflammatory arthropathies including ankle replacement and first metatarsophalangeal joint resurfacing, foot and ankle injuries in sportsmen and women and dancers, general trauma

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