Directory Last Updated: 13 February 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected: DISORDERS in town: LEEDS
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Affective disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Affective disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD, addictions
allergic disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Immunodeficiencies, autoinflammatory diseases, allergic disorders, paediatric immunology
Cardiac rhythm disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Cardiac rhythm disorders, RFA - radiofrequency ablation of arrhythmias, permanent pacemakers, ICD - implantable cardioverter defibrillator, device therapy for heart failure
Degenerative spine disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Degenerative spine disorders, back and neck pain, pain management, vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty
diarrhoeal disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Dyspepsia, small and large bowel disease, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal cancer, ulcerative colitis, diarrhoeal disorders
Incontinence and pelvic floor disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Incontinence and pelvic floor disorders, general urology, urodynamics and functional urology, personal injury claims
lipid disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Male impotence, diabetes, endocrinology, hypertension, lipid disorders, obesity, andrology
lipid disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Diabetes, endocrinology, osteoporosis, metabolic medicine, hypertension management, lipid disorders, erectile dysfunction, thyroid problems, hirsutism, pituitary disorders
lumbar disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Sciatica, lumbar disorders, spinal surgery and injections, disc prolapse, scoliosis, complex lumbar spinal surgery, thoraco-lumbar fractures
lumbar spine disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Spinal surgery, trauma, surgery for spinal deformity, lumbar spine disorders, back pain
medical disorders in pregnancy*Consultant(s)**Towns*Menopause, pelvic floor repair, medical disorders in pregnancy, hysteroscopic surgery, incontinence, colposcopy
menstrual disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Minimal access surgery, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, menopause, pelvic pain
menstrual disorders and fibroids*Consultant(s)**Towns*Ultrasound, laparoscopic surgery, menstrual disorders and fibroids, urogynaecology/prolapse, endometriosis and cysts
movement disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neuromuscular diseases, movement disorders, entrapment nerve diseases, peripheral nerve disorders, epilepsy
Musculotendinous disorders of the foot and ankle*Consultant(s)**Towns*Musculotendinous disorders of the foot and ankle, management of simple and complex deformities of the forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot and ankle, osteoarthritis and other inflammatory arthropathies including ankle replacement and first metatarsophalangeal joint resurfacing, foot and ankle injuries in sportsmen and women and dancers, general trauma
optic nerve disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neuro-ophthalmology, optic nerve disorders, unexplained visual loss, field loss, nystagmus, diplopia, cataract surgery, refractive cataract surgery, uveitis, developing country ophthalmology, scleritis, iritis
other movement disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Parkinson's disease, dystonia, Huntington's disease, other movement disorders, headache
paroxysmal disorders in children*Consultant(s)**Towns*Epilepsy, headaches, acquired brain injury, paroxysmal disorders in children
pelvic floor disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Colon surgery, rectal surgery, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic floor disorders, laparoscopy, endoscopy, colonoscopy
Peripheral nerve disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Peripheral nerve disorders
peripheral nerve disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neuromuscular diseases, movement disorders, entrapment nerve diseases, peripheral nerve disorders, epilepsy
pituitary disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Diabetes, endocrinology, osteoporosis, metabolic medicine, hypertension management, lipid disorders, erectile dysfunction, thyroid problems, hirsutism, pituitary disorders
sleep disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Head and neck cancer, thyroid surgery, laryngology, robotic surgery, rhinology, sleep disorders, snoring
Thyroid disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Thyroid disorders, benign head and neck tumours
voice and swallow disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Head and neck surgery, salivary gland surgery, rhinology, rhinoplasty, sinus surgery, voice and swallow disorders, snoring and sleep apnoea
voice disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Nasal surgery, sinus surgery, paediatric ENT, voice disorders
Vulval disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Vulval disorders, paediatric dermatology, minor surgery, inflammatory dermatoses
vulval disorders*Consultant(s)**Towns*Gynaecological oncology, vulval disorders, screening for ovarian cancer, colposcopy, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer

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