Directory Last Updated: 13 February 2025
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Phrase Consultant CV Town Special Interests
abdominal pelvic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management, spinal pain, back pain, nerve pain, leg pain, neuromodulation for pain, abdominal pelvic pain
acute pain management *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, acute pain management
all types of pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* General neurology, epilepsy, headache, dizziness, MS - multiple sclerosis, stroke, brain injury, all types of pain
arm pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Spinal surgery, back pain, arm pain, spinal deformity, disc replacement, tumour surgery
assessment of chest pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Interventional cardiology, assessment of chest pain, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, nonsurgical treatments, general cardiology
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Disc prolapse, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, cervical radiculopathy
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue disease, osteoarthritis, back pain, spinal disorders, regional pain syndromes
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, back pain, shoulder pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, early ankylosing spondylitis, anti-TNF (tumour necrosis factor) therapies, acute medicine
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management, spinal pain, back pain, nerve pain, leg pain, neuromodulation for pain, abdominal pelvic pain
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management, neuromodulation, back pain
Back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Back pain, epidurals, discolysis, inflammatory arthritis, intradiscal electrothermography - IDET
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Spinal surgery, back pain, arm pain, spinal deformity, disc replacement, tumour surgery
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Inflammatory joint disorders, soft tissue rheumatism, gout, back pain, sports injuries, osteoarthritis, immunology, connective tissue disease, early onset arthritis
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Osteoporosis, back pain, polyarthritis, inflammatory arthritis
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Rheumatology, sports injuries, work related disorders, soft tissue injuries, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, back pain, bone injuries, fatigue syndromes
back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Sports medicine, rheumatology, whiplash, repetitive strain injury - RSI, back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sports injuries, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, long COVID-19, hypermobility
back pain/injuries *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Whiplash, soft tissue injuries, burns, hand injuries, head injury, back pain/injuries, electrical injuries, poisoning/overdose, medical errors/negligence
chronic facial pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Neuro-oncology, chronic facial pain
chronic neuropathic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain, chronic neuropathic pain, chronic spinal pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome
chronic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* General rheumatology, metabolic bone disease, osteoporosis, chronic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic pain, autoimmune connective tissue disease, systemic lupus erythematosus - SLE, Sjogren's syndrome
chronic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management including neuropathic and back pain, chronic pain, facial pain
chronic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Rheumatology, sports injuries, work related disorders, soft tissue injuries, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, back pain, bone injuries, fatigue syndromes
chronic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD, chronic pain
Chronic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain, chronic neuropathic pain, chronic spinal pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome
chronic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management, head and neck pain, chronic pain
Chronic pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain, low back pain, sciatica
Chronic pain management *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, acute pain management
Chronic pain management *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence
chronic pain syndromes *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Soft tissue rheumatism, chronic pain syndromes, repetitive strain injury - RSI, chronic spine rehabilitation, sports injuries, osteoporosis
chronic pain syndromes *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence
chronic postsurgical pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence
chronic spinal pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain, chronic neuropathic pain, chronic spinal pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome
chronic widespread pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence
cognitive and behavioural pain management *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain medicine, implantable neuromodulation, interventional pain management, cognitive and behavioural pain management, pain management education, pain management conference organisation
CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain, chronic neuropathic pain, chronic spinal pain, CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome
CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence
dental pain in children *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Oral surgery in children, dental pain in children, sedation and general anaesthesia for dental treatment in children, dental trauma, dental treatment in children, dental anomalies in children
early inflammatory low back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Rheumatoid arthritis, hypermobility, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, early inflammatory arthritis, early inflammatory low back pain, gout, complex systemic rheumatic diseases
facial pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Adult and children's ENT, rhinology, sinus surgery, facial pain, functional nasal surgery, paediatric ENT, snoring, hearing and balance
facial pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management including neuropathic and back pain, chronic pain, facial pain
flank pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Stone disease, prostatitis, flank pain, recurrent urinary tract infections, BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia
foot pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric trauma and orthopaedics, paediatric foot and ankle surgery, clubfoot, personal injury, clinical negligence, flat feet, foot pain, hip pain, upper limb fractures, knock knees, bow legs, problems related to walking
head and neck pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management, head and neck pain, chronic pain
hip pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric trauma and orthopaedics, paediatric foot and ankle surgery, clubfoot, personal injury, clinical negligence, flat feet, foot pain, hip pain, upper limb fractures, knock knees, bow legs, problems related to walking
interventional pain management *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain medicine, implantable neuromodulation, interventional pain management, cognitive and behavioural pain management, pain management education, pain management conference organisation
leg pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Pain management, spinal pain, back pain, nerve pain, leg pain, neuromodulation for pain, abdominal pelvic pain
low back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Rehabilitation medicine, low back pain, spinal injuries, brain injuries
low back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain management, chronic pain syndromes, low back pain, chronic postsurgical pain, whiplash, CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord stimulation, fibromyalgia, chronic widespread pain, neuropathic pain, medical negligence
low back pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Chronic pain, low back pain, sciatica
metastatic bone pain *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Clinical oncology, prostate cancer, lymphoma, chemotherapy, palliative care and pain control, metastatic bone pain, radiotherapy, Hodgkin's disease, bladder cancer, cervical cancer
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