Directory Last Updated: 13 February 2025
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Phrase Consultant CV Town Special Interests
adult and paediatric orthodontics *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Aesthetic braces, removable braces, fixed braces, adult and paediatric orthodontics
Adult and paediatric otolaryngology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Adult and paediatric otolaryngology, rhinology, rhinoplasty, snoring, sinus surgery
adult and paediatric squint surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric ophthalmology, adult and paediatric squint surgery, oculoplastic surgery, small incision cataract surgery
General adult and paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* General adult and paediatric ENT, otology, sinus, tinnitus, children's hearing and voice disorders, balance disorders
General paediatric surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* General paediatric surgery, paediatric gastroenterology, minimally invasive surgery
general paediatric surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Vascular surgery, general abdominal surgery, arterial and venous surgery, general paediatric surgery, hernia, gallbladder surgery
General paediatric urology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* General paediatric urology, undescended testes, foreskin problems, intersex, incontinence, urinary tract infection, hernia
paediatric asthma and cystic fibrosis *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Respiratory medicine, paediatric asthma and cystic fibrosis
paediatric brain tumours *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Brain tumours, paediatric brain tumours
Paediatric cardiology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric cardiology, congenital cardiac MRI, congenital heart disease
Paediatric cardiology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric cardiology, neonatology, lumbar puncture procedures, specialist registrar training in paediatrics
Paediatric cleft lip and palate surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric cleft lip and palate surgery, vascular anomalies, hypospadias, polydactyly, birthmarks and haemangiomas, tongue tie, scar revision
Paediatric Dentistry *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Oral surgery in children, dental pain in children, sedation and general anaesthesia for dental treatment in children, dental trauma, dental treatment in children, dental anomalies in children
Paediatric diabetes *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric diabetes, endocrinology
paediatric EEG - electroencephalogram *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* EMG - electromyography, nerve conduction, paediatric EEG - electroencephalogram, peripheral nerve disease, nerve injuries, carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome
Paediatric emergency medicine *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric emergency medicine, patient safety
Paediatric Endocrinology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric diabetes, endocrinology
Paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric ENT, otology, rhinology, endoscopic nasal surgery, cosmetic surgery
paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Adult and children's ENT, rhinology, sinus surgery, facial pain, functional nasal surgery, paediatric ENT, snoring, hearing and balance
paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Sinus surgery, paediatric ENT, skull base surgery, otology, tinnitus, hearing implantation, balance disorders
Paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric ENT, otology, head and neck lumps, head and neck cancer, thyroid lumps, consent, training, deafness, surgical complications, congenital deafness, medico-legal issues
paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Head and neck surgery, facial plastic surgery, paediatric ENT, thyroid surgery, robotic surgery
paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Head and neck surgery, paediatric ENT, rhinology
paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Otology, cochlear implants, paediatric ENT, rhinology, sinus surgery, restoration of hearing, eustachian tube disorders
Paediatric ENT *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric ENT, otology, audiology, general ENT
paediatric ENT problems *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, skull base surgery, cochlear implantation, balance issues, sinusitis, eustachian tube dysfunction, paediatric ENT problems, hearing implantation, balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube
paediatric foot and ankle surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric trauma and orthopaedics, paediatric foot and ankle surgery, clubfoot, personal injury, clinical negligence, flat feet, foot pain, hip pain, upper limb fractures, knock knees, bow legs, problems related to walking
paediatric fractures and open fractures *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Complex lower limb fractures, pelvic ring and acetabular fractures, complex upper limb fractures, paediatric fractures and open fractures
paediatric gastroenterology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* General paediatric surgery, paediatric gastroenterology, minimally invasive surgery
paediatric gynaecology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Early pregnancy scanning, vulnerable women, paediatric gynaecology, termination of pregnancy
Paediatric haematology and oncology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric haematology and oncology
paediatric hearing problems *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Head and neck surgery, paediatric hearing problems, laser surgery for head and neck cancers
Paediatric Hepatology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Liver transplantation, immunodeficiencies, paediatric liver disease
paediatric hip disorders *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Back surgery, joint replacement, paediatric hip disorders, foot surgery, lower limb surgery, scoliosis
Paediatric intensive care *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric intensive care, paediatrics
Paediatric liaison *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric liaison, ADHD, neuropsychiatry, looked-after children, psychosomatic conditions, attachment difficulties
paediatric liver disease *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Liver transplantation, immunodeficiencies, paediatric liver disease
paediatric movement disorders *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Childhood onset epilepsy, paediatric movement disorders, tic disorders, paediatric neuromuscular disorders, muscular dystrophy
Paediatric nephrology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric nephrology, child protection, safeguarding children and young adults
Paediatric Neurology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Childhood onset epilepsy, paediatric movement disorders, tic disorders, paediatric neuromuscular disorders, muscular dystrophy
Paediatric Neurology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric neuropathy, mitochondrial disorders, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, neurofibromatosis type 1, neuromuscular disorders, opsoclonus myoclonus
Paediatric neurology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric neurology, epilepsy
paediatric neuromuscular disorders *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Childhood onset epilepsy, paediatric movement disorders, tic disorders, paediatric neuromuscular disorders, muscular dystrophy
Paediatric neuropathy *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric neuropathy, mitochondrial disorders, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, neurofibromatosis type 1, neuromuscular disorders, opsoclonus myoclonus
paediatric neurosurgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Hydrocephalus, traumatic brain injury, paediatric neurosurgery
Paediatric oncology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric oncology, germ cell tumours of children and young people, children's solid tumours and brain tumours
Paediatric ophthalmology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, cataract surgery
paediatric ophthalmology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Squints, paediatric ophthalmology, cataract surgery
Paediatric ophthalmology *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Paediatric ophthalmology, adult and paediatric squint surgery, oculoplastic surgery, small incision cataract surgery
paediatric orthopaedic surgery *Consultant(s)* * *Towns* Trauma surgery, hip and limb reconstruction, paediatric orthopaedic surgery
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