Directory Last Updated: 11 February 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected: PAEDIATRIC in town: EDINBURGH
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Adult and paediatric neurosurgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Adult and paediatric neurosurgery, spinal surgery, degenerative spinal conditions, head injury, back and neck pain, hydrocephalus
Adult and paediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Adult and paediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery, management and reconstruction of burns, trauma and skin cancers, microvascular surgery, aesthetic surgery
General paediatric ENT surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*General paediatric ENT surgery, paediatric airway, paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea, permanent childhood hearing loss, paediatric neck lumps, glue ear and otitis media, recurrent ear infections, allergic rhinitis, paediatric tinnitus, paediatric hyperacusis
paediatric airway*Consultant(s)**Towns*General paediatric ENT surgery, paediatric airway, paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea, permanent childhood hearing loss, paediatric neck lumps, glue ear and otitis media, recurrent ear infections, allergic rhinitis, paediatric tinnitus, paediatric hyperacusis
Paediatric anaesthesia*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric anaesthesia, TIVA - total intravenous anaesthesia
Paediatric ENT*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric ENT, otology
paediatric gastrointestinal surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neonatal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, paediatric surgical oncology, paediatric minimally invasive surgery, paediatric gastrointestinal surgery, abdominal pain, gastro-oesophageal reflux
Paediatric Hepatology*Consultant(s)**Towns*Liver transplantation, immunodeficiencies, paediatric liver disease
paediatric hyperacusis*Consultant(s)**Towns*General paediatric ENT surgery, paediatric airway, paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea, permanent childhood hearing loss, paediatric neck lumps, glue ear and otitis media, recurrent ear infections, allergic rhinitis, paediatric tinnitus, paediatric hyperacusis
paediatric liver disease*Consultant(s)**Towns*Liver transplantation, immunodeficiencies, paediatric liver disease
paediatric minimally invasive surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neonatal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, paediatric surgical oncology, paediatric minimally invasive surgery, paediatric gastrointestinal surgery, abdominal pain, gastro-oesophageal reflux
paediatric neck lumps*Consultant(s)**Towns*General paediatric ENT surgery, paediatric airway, paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea, permanent childhood hearing loss, paediatric neck lumps, glue ear and otitis media, recurrent ear infections, allergic rhinitis, paediatric tinnitus, paediatric hyperacusis
paediatric neuroimaging*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neuroradiology, paediatric neuroimaging
Paediatric neurosurgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, vascular neurosurgery, hydrocephalus, spinal dysraphism, pituitary surgery, neuroendoscopy, craniofacial surgery, degenerative spine
paediatric neurosurgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Adult spinal disorders, paediatric neurosurgery, vascular neurosurgery, epilepsy, cervical and lumbar disc herniation, spinal stenosis, other degenerative spine disorders, neuro-oncology, brain injury
paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea*Consultant(s)**Towns*General paediatric ENT surgery, paediatric airway, paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea, permanent childhood hearing loss, paediatric neck lumps, glue ear and otitis media, recurrent ear infections, allergic rhinitis, paediatric tinnitus, paediatric hyperacusis
paediatric ophthalmology*Consultant(s)**Towns*Small incision cataract surgery, paediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, neuro-ophthalmology, multifocal intraocular lens, macular degeneration and injection treatment, trauma, glaucoma
Paediatric ophthalmology*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric ophthalmology, adult cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment, paediatric squint surgery
Paediatric orthopaedics*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric orthopaedics, foot surgery, ankle surgery, neuromuscular disorders in children and adults, disorders of gait and gait analysis
paediatric otolaryngology*Consultant(s)**Towns*Otology, paediatric otolaryngology, balance disorders, neurotology, hearing loss, tinnitus, sinus disease, rhinology
paediatric spinal surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Spinal injuries, stand alone anterior fusion, disc replacement, degenerative spine, neck pain, paediatric spinal surgery
paediatric squint surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric ophthalmology, adult cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment, paediatric squint surgery
Paediatric Surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric Urology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
Paediatric Surgery*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neonatal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, paediatric surgical oncology, paediatric minimally invasive surgery, paediatric gastrointestinal surgery, abdominal pain, gastro-oesophageal reflux
paediatric surgical oncology*Consultant(s)**Towns*Neonatal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, paediatric surgical oncology, paediatric minimally invasive surgery, paediatric gastrointestinal surgery, abdominal pain, gastro-oesophageal reflux
paediatric tinnitus*Consultant(s)**Towns*General paediatric ENT surgery, paediatric airway, paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea, permanent childhood hearing loss, paediatric neck lumps, glue ear and otitis media, recurrent ear infections, allergic rhinitis, paediatric tinnitus, paediatric hyperacusis
Paediatric Urology*Consultant(s)**Towns*Paediatric Urology, IBD - inflammatory bowel disease

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