Directory Last Updated: 17 February 2025
Return to Directory Clinical Trial Consultants in South East within Plastic
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
aesthetic plastic surgery
*Towns*Cleft palate, aesthetic plastic surgery
Aesthetic plastic surgery
*Towns*Aesthetic plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, breast reconstruction, facial plastic surgery
facial plastic and reconstructive surgery
*Towns*Rhinoplasty surgery, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, general ENT, head and neck surgery, sinus surgery, rhinoplasty revision
facial plastic surgery
*Towns*Rhinoplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal disorders, facial plastic surgery
facial plastic surgery
*Towns*Orthognathic surgery, facial plastic surgery, dental implants, dentoalveolar surgery, skin lesions, secondary cleft deformity surgery, post-traumatic facial corrections, distraction osteogenesis, primary cleft lip and palate surgery, TMJ - temporomandibular joint disorders
facial plastic surgery
*Towns*Otology, facial plastic surgery, paediatric ENT
facial plastic surgery
*Towns*Aesthetic plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, breast reconstruction, facial plastic surgery
facial plastic surgery
*Towns*Rhinology and sinus surgery, facial plastic surgery, rhinoplasty, pinnaplasty
Facial plastic surgery - rhinoplasty
*Towns*Facial plastic surgery - rhinoplasty, sinus surgery, Paediatric ENT, general ENT
Facial plastic surgery: rhinoplasty
*Towns*Facial plastic surgery: rhinoplasty, pinnaplasty, rhinology, snoring, sinus disease, allergic ENT disorders, paediatric ENT complaints, ear disorders, hearing loss
General plastic and aesthetic surgery
*Towns*General plastic and aesthetic surgery, skin cancer
nasal plastic surgery
*Towns*Rhinology, sinus surgery and FESS - functional endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal plastic surgery
paediatric plastic surgery
*Towns*Hand surgery, skin cancer, facial rejuvenation, breast surgery, paediatric plastic surgery, aesthetic surgery, breast reconstruction, fat transfer
Paediatric plastic surgery
*Towns*Paediatric plastic surgery, cleft surgery, rhinoplasty, non-cleft velopharyngeal dysfunction
Paediatric plastic surgery
*Towns*Paediatric plastic surgery, cleft lip and palate, soft tissue infections, hypospadias, nasal surgery - rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty, extravasation injuries, scarring including from injuries and surgery
paediatric plastic surgery
*Towns*Breast surgery, breast reconstruction, hand surgery, paediatric plastic surgery, microsurgery, lower limb surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
*Towns*Plastic and reconstructive surgery, head and neck reconstruction, skin cancer, vascular anomalies, cosmetic and aesthetic surgery
plastic surgery
*Towns*Hand surgery, plastic surgery
plastic surgery anaesthesia
*Towns*Acute pain relief, intensive care, plastic surgery anaesthesia, anaesthesia for ophthalmic surgery, anaesthesia for gender reassignment
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