Directory Last Updated: 17 February 2025
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NHS and Private Hospitals starting with G

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Gainsborough CAMHS[Gainsborough] Golders Green Outpatients and Diagnostics Centre (HCA International)[London]
Galloway Community Hospital[Stranraer] Golders Hill Health Centre[London]
Garburn House[Kendal] Gomersal Dental Lounge[Gomersal]
Garden House Hospice[Letchworth] Good Health Centre, The[Leeds]
Gardener Unit[Prestwich] Good Hope Hospital[Sutton Coldfield]
Garngoch Hospital[Swansea] Goodall Centre[Bishop Auckland]
Gartnavel General Hospital[Glasgow] Goole & District Hospital[Goole]
Gartnavel Royal Hospital[Glasgow] Goose Green Clinic[London]
Gassiot House[London] Gorbals Health and Care Centre[Glasgow]
Gate Clinic, The[Canterbury] Gordon Hospital[London]
Gatehouse, The[Northampton] Gorseinon Hospital[Swansea]
Gateway Centre, The[Blackpool] Gorwelion Resource Centre[Aberystwyth]
Gatton Place[Redhill] Gosforth Physio & Wellness[Newcastle upon Tyne]
Geans Dental[Great Missenden] Gosforth Private Clinic[Newcastle upon Tyne]
Gedling CMHT[Carlton] Gosport and Fareham OPMHT[Gosport]
Gem Centre, The[Wolverhampton] Gosport War Memorial Hospital[Gosport]
Gender Identity Clinic[London] Grafton Suite, The[Stratford upon Avon ]
GENEMED Ltd.[Cheadle] Grand Aura Skin & Wellbeing Clinic[Aberdeen]
GenesisCare Cromwell Hospital[London] Grange Clinic, The[Chester]
GenesisCare Southampton[Southampton] Grange University Hospital, The[Cwmbran]
GenesisCare, Birmingham[Sutton Coldfield] Gransha Hospital[Londonderry]
GenesisCare, Bristol[Bristol] Grantham and District Hospital[Grantham]
GenesisCare, Cambridge[Newmarket] Grantham CAMHS and Learning Disability Team[Grantham]
GenesisCare, Chelmsford[Chelmsford] Grantham Sexual Health Clinic[Grantham]
GenesisCare, Guildford[Guildford] Graves Health and Sports Centre[Sheffield]
GenesisCare, Maidstone[West Malling] Gravesham Community Hospital[Gravesend]
GenesisCare, Milton Keynes[Milton Keynes] Grays Court[Dagenham]
GenesisCare, Nottingham[Nottingham] Great North Children's Hospital, The[Newcastle upon Tyne]
GenesisCare, Oxford[Oxford] Great Oaks Clinic[Basildon]
GenesisCare, Portsmouth[Portsmouth] Great Oaks Mental Health Unit[Scunthorpe]
GenesisCare, Windsor[Windsor] Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children[London]
George Eliot Hospital[Nuneaton] Great Ormond Street Hospital IPP International & Private Patients[London]
Ghauri Dental Centre[London] Great Western Hospital[Swindon]
Ghosh Medical Group[Liverpool] Greater Lancashire Hospital[Preston]
Giaroli Centre, The[London] Green Lane Clinic[Kettering]
Gibraltar House[Northallerton] Green Lane Hospital[Devizes]
Gilbert Bain Hospital[Lerwick] Green MedicoLegal Ltd[Helsby]
Gilmour Piper[Ipswich] Green Parks House[Orpington]
Gipsy Lane Advanced Dental Care[Reading] Greenfield Centre[Stoke on Trent]
Glades, The[Middlesbrough] Greenfields[Birmingham]
Glan Clwyd Hospital[Rhyl] Greenwich CAMHS[London]
Glangwili General Hospital[Carmarthen] Greenwich Community Paediatric Services[London]
Glanville House[Bridgwater] Grimsby CAMHS[Grimsby]
Glasgow Dental Hospital and School[Glasgow] Grosvenor Gardens Healthcare[London]
Glasgow Royal Infirmary[Glasgow] Grosvenor Medical Consulting Rooms[Wrexham]
Glasgow South CAMHS[Glasgow] Grosvenor Orthodontic Clinic[Beckenham]
Glastonbury Health Centre[Glastonbury] Group Anaesthetic Services[London]
Glendon Wood Hospital (Ramsay Health Care UK Operations Ltd)[Glendon] Grove Centre, The[London]
Glenfield Hospital[Leicester] GSD Dental Clinic London[London]
Glenkirk Centre[Glasgow] Guernsey CAMHS[St Martin]
Gloucester Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team[Gloucester] Guest Hospital[Dudley]
Gloucester Later Life Team[Gloucester] Guild Lodge[Preston]
Gloucester Recovery in Psychosis - GRiP[Gloucester] Guildford Diagnostic Imaging[Guildford]
Gloucester Recovery Team[Gloucester] Guildhall Practice - King's Heath, The[Birmingham]
Gloucester Street Clinic[St Helier] Guilsborough Surgery[Northampton]
Gloucester Ward [Gloucestershire Royal Hospital][Gloucester] Guisborough Primary Care Hospital[Guisborough]
Gloucestershire Assertive Outreach Team[Gloucester] Guy's Hospital[London]
Gloucestershire Learning Disability Services[Gloucester] Gwendolen House[Leicester]
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital[Gloucester] Gwent Specialist Substance Misuse Service - South[Newport - Gwent]
Golden Jubilee Regional Spinal Cord Injury Centre[Middlesbrough] Gynae Centre, The[London]
Golden Jubilee University National Hospital[Glasgow] Gynaecology Ultrasound Centre, The[London]

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