Directory last updated 21 October 2024

Healthcare Knowledge Limited (Creators of SpecialistInfo) Conditions of Use and Disclaimer

All information on this site is provided in good faith on an as available basis without warranties of any kind. Information is obtained from third parties and Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo) will not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of your use of this information.

While Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo) has no reason to believe that there are inaccuracies or defects in this information, it makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the fitness of the information for any purpose whatsoever.

The information is supplied for the use of the registered user only in the course of normal in-house activities and may not be stored, distributed, reproduced, sold, licensed, automatically downloaded, or otherwise dealt with in whole or in part without the prior consent of Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo) or the copyright owner to whom application shall be made through Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo). Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo) reserves the right to a) withdraw the service and refund any outstanding subscription payment if it believes this condition is not being adhered to and b) invoice the registered user for the data downloaded automatically without prior consent at our standard rates.

By using this site, the user agrees that Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo) may from time to time provide the user with information that it believes may be of professional interest to the user by mail, email, fax or telephone.

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By using this site, the user agrees to these conditions.