Directory last updated 16 January 2025


NEWS | July 2022

CCGs in England Replaced by Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)

Integrated Care Systems have been created by the Health and Care Act 2022 and will bring together NHS providers, local authorities and the community sector to attempt to unify the organisations and provide a better standard of care to patients. Each ICS will contain two bodies:
  • Integrated Care Board (ICB): Responsible for NHS services in that area, the funding of those services and workforce planning.
  • Integrated Care Partnership (ICP): Responsible for broader issues including public health and social care.

For further information please see the NHS England website: NHS England » What are integrated care systems?
Former CCGs, along with former PCTs, are included on the SpecialistInfo website for reference use. Moving forwards we aim to stick to our principles and only include those working in clinical roles on the directory. So, although ICSs will not be included, please be assured that this is so we can keep our data of the highest quality and devote our time to the doctors, hospitals and surgeries.

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Consent in Pain Medication - Image megaflopp