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Return to Directory Clinical Trial Consultants in North Eastern Region within heart
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Adult congenital heart disease
*Towns*Adult congenital heart disease, intervention in congenital heart disease, percutaneous pulmonary valve replacement, paediatric cardiology, Marfan's syndrome
coronary heart disease
*Towns*Mitral valve disease, transplantation, coronary heart disease, lung cancer
heart and lung transplant infection
*Towns*Transplant medicine, tuberculosis control, molecular microbiology, epidemiology, heart and lung transplant infection, mechanical circulatory support infection prevention, diagnosis and management, infective endocarditis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment
intervention in congenital heart disease
*Towns*Adult congenital heart disease, intervention in congenital heart disease, percutaneous pulmonary valve replacement, paediatric cardiology, Marfan's syndrome
lung and heart transplantation
*Towns*Pulmonary fibrosis, lung and heart transplantation, advanced emphysema
neonatal heart and respiratory problems
*Towns*Neonatology, epidemiology, neonatal heart and respiratory problems

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