Directory Last Updated: 10 February 2025
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Consultants in London within Minor
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
gynaecology surgery - major or minor
*Towns*Menstrual disorders, menopause, pelvic pain and endometriosis, vulval disease, polycystic ovaries, adolescent gynaecology, infertility, gynaecology surgery - major or minor
Local anaesthesia for minor operative procedures
*Towns*Local anaesthesia for minor operative procedures
minor fractures
*Towns*Soft tissue injury, sports injury, minor fractures, industrial injury, RTA - road traffic accidents
minor injuries
*Towns*Hand injuries, resuscitation, major trauma, minor injuries, neonatal circumcision, low velocity impact accidents
minor surgery
*Towns*Autologous breast reconstruction, aesthetic surgery, minor surgery, skin surgery, Diep flap breast reconstruction
minor surgery and procedures including vasectomy
*Towns*Breast surgery, general surgery, groin and hernia surgery including Gilmore's Groin, minor surgery and procedures including vasectomy, local anaesthetic surgery
split ear lobes and minor ear problems noted at birth or after injury
*Towns*Cosmetic breast surgery including augmentation, reduction, uplift, fat transfer and asymmetry correction, breast implant capsular contracture procedure, nipple surgery, Labiaplasty, surgery following pregnancy, abdominoplasty, liposuction, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, skin and scars - removal of lumps and bumps originating from the skin including moles, cysts, fatty lumps, scar revision and general scar management, split ear lobes and minor ear problems noted at birth or after injury

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