Directory Last Updated: 16 September 2024
Return to Directory Private Consultants' Special Interests word selected: INTERVENTION in town: LEEDS
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PhraseConsultantTownSpecial Interests
Complex intervention*Consultant(s)**Towns*Complex intervention, general cardiology, percutaneous coronary intervention, stable and unstable angina, acute coronary syndromes, chronic total occlusions, complex coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypertension, valvular heart disease
Coronary intervention*Consultant(s)**Towns*Coronary intervention, cardiac MRI
Coronary intervention*Consultant(s)**Towns*Coronary intervention
hepatic intervention*Consultant(s)**Towns*Vascular radiology, hepatic intervention, obstetric intervention, trauma radiology, EVAR - endovascular aneurysm repair
obstetric intervention*Consultant(s)**Towns*Vascular radiology, hepatic intervention, obstetric intervention, trauma radiology, EVAR - endovascular aneurysm repair
percutaneous coronary intervention*Consultant(s)**Towns*Complex intervention, general cardiology, percutaneous coronary intervention, stable and unstable angina, acute coronary syndromes, chronic total occlusions, complex coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypertension, valvular heart disease

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